Saturday, 23 November 2013

Mackay Kitchen Resurfacing

GlazeMaster have an exclusive business opportunity in Mackay Qld for an enthusiastic workers or business owner to join the most trusted Brand Name in the ReSurfacing industry

Over the years on thousands of bathrooms and kitchens we have field tested many products available in the resurfacing industry, and have always come back to the tried and tested products that look great, are easy to use and most importantly last for the long term.
We know what works and what doesn't and openly share that wealth of knowledge and expertise with you

There are many instances we hear of in this industry of product failures and the product supply companies will always blame failure on the applicator.

We hear this story all of the time and even hear from other resurfacing businesses who are not part of GlazeMaster but who joined a resurfacing network that insists you use certain "exclusive" products but then try to control your business and push prices down in our industry which limits the profitability of all resurfacers


The low budget start up resurfacers that we see out there have a three day training period and we hear horror stories all the time about the end result this is having on the resurfacing industry

This is a complexed trade that we do and requires many components to all work together to achieve great results that last

GlazeMaster have a purpose built training facility in Queensland and you are more than welcome to come and see exactly how we conduct our business, in the field and in the theory.

We are the biggest resurfacing Company in QLD and are one of the The Biggest Brands in Australia and growing fast.

We are looking for serious business partners who are keen to work, earn great money and build the overall reputation of the ReSurfacing industry, taking the quality widely associated with the GlazeMaster Brand and setting new standards that for some reason have been overlooked by many resurfacers and suppliers in the name of a quick dollar and quick drying materials that fail time and time again!!

We have professionally undertaken possibly the largest commercial projects ever undertaken in Australia and have quality work out there that is over 15 years old and still going strong.

Many of the new products now available to the resurfacing industry may appear okay when tested on a brand new surface , but when thermal-shock from hot water and a small chip in the surface appears the results are catastrophic!

If you want to know the truth about the industry and what it really costs to be a serious contender in the industry instead of being a puppet please give us a call, we would love to hear from you 

GlazeMaster has an exclusive business opportunity in Mackay Qld for an enthusiastic worker that would like to run a resurfacing business in Mackay.


Taking into account the price of Marketing, Advertising, Business Cards, Brochures, Website? that can be up to 10k alone including SEO $499.00 a month, anyway you get my point.

That's the most ridiculous thing anyone could make online first thing i would ask is what's the CATCH! Do your home work first people shop around ask the Right Questions before signing any agreements or documents. 

Resurfacing FAQ TOP 10 Questions to ASK

1 - How long have they been operational / been in business
2 - What material/products do they use and supplied by?
3 - Ask for recent clients testimonials or mobile numbers etc and call them,
4 - Ask them for recent enquiries of new customers.
5 - Search Google or YouTube for product failures in the bath resurfacing industry.
6 - Ask what's the Guarantees of getting lots of resurfacing leads.
7 - Do i have to have years of experience in this industry or can you get training.
8 - What’s the waiting time and how soon can i start my resurfacing business.
9 - What do i get or is included for my investment.
10 - Read carefully all contracts they put in place ask a solicitor first before signing anything.

We are the leading resurfacing business in Australia and we give you 100% satisfaction guarantee we will help build you a successful resurfacing business.

Contact us today and start tomorrow


Friday, 22 November 2013

Bathtub Resurfacing Brisbane

Bath Resurfacing Brisbane
GlazeMaster Kitchen Bathroom Resurfacing
Is your bath looking old, scratched, has rust stain from leaking taps, difficult to clean or simply outdated because of its color? Ripping a bath out and replacing with new used to be the only option these days, but now it can be resurfaced onsite without removal, and all in a matter of hours!

Bath Resurfacing is a difficult process, working in a confined area with delicate and often fragile surrounds requires a skill that only comes with experience. As with any trade it takes time and experience to achieve a consistently professional high standard that GlazeMaster provides.

Bath Resurfacing Sydney

Bath Resurfacing Sydney

GlazeMaster Kitchen Bathroom Resurfacing

Bath Resurfacing Sydney Inner

  Sydney Resurfacing Kitchen & Bathroom Resurfacing Sydney

We offer a cost effective alternative to replacing your existing kitchen or bathroom – Don't Replace it, Resurface it!

  • Yes we can even do commercial premises, motels, resorts, B&B’s, commercial kitchens, hair salons, retail counters and the list goes on.
  • Thinking of selling your home?  Update your kitchen and/or bathroom for approximately a 1/3 of the cost of replacement and add thousands to the value of your home just by Resurfacing it!
  • If you want to increase your rental return, update a tired kitchen and/or bathroom, you’re tenants will love it and you’ll get a better return on your investment. Don’t replace it, Resurface it!

Hi Guy

Nov 22, 2013 by Meredith Sadler
We were extremely pleased with your work that was done to our kitchen benches. Your tradesman was thorough with all the preparation and the finished product. The kitchen was left tidy and clean, so a very big thank you, a great job and will highly recommend your work. Meredith & Viv

The actual spray job is better than our expectations

Sep 12, 2013 by Bill and Linda Powell
Hi Guy
Just a short note to tell you how pleased Linda and I are with the work your firm has done to renovate our kitchen benches. Your tradesman, Drajan, was particularly thorough in all the preparation that he undertook. The actual spray job is better than our expectations. As well, Drajan left the kitchen in a very tidy and clean condition. So thank you very much – a great job at a great price.

North Sydney Kitchen Resurfacing

North Sydney Kitchen Resurfacing

GlazeMaster Kitchen Bathroom Resurfacing

We offer a cost effective alternative to replacing your existing kitchen or bathroom by Resurfacing it!

  • Don't replace you old Kitchen simply because it has outdated colors
  • We can completely Re-Surface your Kitchen including our exclusive Caesar Stone and other specialty stone look Bench Top
  • Quality 2 Pac finish on Cupboard Doors, Draws, Fixed Panels and Pantry
  • Splash Back Tiles Re-Surfaced to look like new
  • Kick Panels Sprayed in 2 Pac or recovered with Brushed Stainless Steel
  • Our trade qualified technicians will transform your Kitchen to look like new in under 1 week
  • The specialty coatings we use are extremely durable and designed specifically for use on kitchen and commercial bench tops, vanity tops and other hard surfaces were durability and quality of finish are paramount.
  • We can save you thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars on Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations.
  • Our commercial clients are testimony to the quality of our service and products
  • You can afford that New Look Kitchen or Bathroom you have always wanted
  • Take the time to look at the before and after photos in our gallery and be amazed at what can be achieved with Re-Surfacing
  • Find out why Major Hotel and Resort Chains use our services when upgrading rooms!


GlazeMaster Australia Resurfacing is well known as a respected market leader in the Kitchen and Bathroom Resurfacing industry. GlazeMaster is leading the way in providing a level of Quality and long term Durability never before seen in the Australian resurfacing industry. With over 20 years resurfacing experience we have developed complex Resurfacing methods that allow us to reach the highest standards of quality available in Resurfacing today

  • Email:

  • Resurfacing Enquiries: 1300 558 780
  • Dealership Enquiries: 07 5630 2005

Instead of replacing your Kitchen or Bathroom GlazeMaster can Resurface Bench Tops, Cabinetry, Fixed Panels and Splash Tiles, Bath Tub, Spa Bath, Antique (Claw Leg) Baths, Shower Tiles, Wall Tiles, and lots more. Our customers save up to 70% of the cost of conventional Kitchen and Bathroom renovations! GlazeMaster Australia is the Pre & Post Sale Makeover Experts. Don’t wait months for three different types of tradies to complete expensive unnecessary renovations. Have your property resurfaced by GlazeMaster and in most cases whole kitchens and bathrooms are finished and liveable within a week!